Sunday, March 3, 2013

Experiment 2: Fluid Dynamics

In this experiment, we utilize Bernoulli's equation to calculate the time it takes for a certain amount of liquid to exit a container through a small hole located near the bottom of the container and we compare the result to a physical simulation of such an instance.


-Bucket (with a hole near the bottom)
-Bottle with volume marks


The physical simulation was to be done for six instances in which we approximated the time for 300mL of water to exit the bucket through the small opening.


This experiment shows that even the smallest miscalculation in the measurement of the diameter of the hole from which the water flows out of can create a very significant percent error. Another very significant source of error is the timing, because it was very hard to measure precisely how long it would would take for the water to flow out, especially when it took such a short amount of time.

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